I recently purchased a Babybjourn potty training seat and a book called "My Big Boy Potty." I didn't really have a plan to start training Nicholas yet, I just wanted to have it for when we were ready. He has recently been telling me after he goes "poo-poo" and occasionally says "mommy change diaper." Nicholas was so excited to see the potty seat! After I read him the book once I said "Does Nicholas want to sit on the potty?" and he said "OK!" This was on Saturday and he went pee right away. Since then he goes pee-pee on the potty several times a day. I can't wait for him to go poo-poo on the potty! It seemed like he was trying to push something out the one sitting he had with Chris. I have no idea what I'm doing and totally winging it, maybe I should get a potty training guide; but in the meantime our casual approach seems to be working just fine! We all get so excited with every pee-pee, even Nicholas claps and says "yay!" SO EXCITING!! Maybe he will be out of diapers before the next one comes along!?!
Nicholas totally loves the potty book. I would recommend it to anyone with a boy!
And More Halloween Pics...Nicholas is still too young to understand the joys of trick-or-treating but it was fun to hear him say "trick-or-treat" and "thank you!" Other than that it was too much candy for mommy and daddy to eat so we didn't want to go to too many doors! We took him to a Halloween Dog parade right down the street and then later on in the eve we took him for maybe a half hour of trick or treating.
Yummy! Thanks Aunt Jeanne for sending cupcakes up with Mimi, they were delicious!
Our little monkey boy!
Look at me!
"Cheeeeeeeese" with Daddy!
Happy Boy!