Our building put on a Halloween Party last night in the playroom. It was lots of fun to see all of the little ghouls and goblins running around! Nicholas felt pretty cool in his skeleton costume. They are actually pj's that Grammy bought for him - thanks Mimi! Nicholas costume was glow in the dark, he loved us turning out the lights so he could look at himself move around in the mirror. This was a spooky shot of him in the pitch dark looking into the red camera light.
We are pretty lucky in that Nicholas eats almost everything we eat (or he doesn't eat anything at all!) He devours California rolls and avocado rolls!
Other meal time favorites are fajitas with peppers, black beans, cheese, and of course, his favorite, avocado! We really miss the good old California days where we had a huge avocado tree in our backyard, we had so many that we didn't know what to do with them all! Paying $2 a piece just kills me. What a ham!!!
I still haven't figured out exactly what he likes for breakfast though, any suggestions?
Happy Birthday Uncle Christian! I was attempting to capture Nicholas saying Happy Birthday on video. Here it is, Nicholas sent you a nice surprise at the end of the video :-)
Nicholas also made you a card that we'll put into the mail. Miss you! XOXO
We went on vacation this September with Chris' parents to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. We stayed in the town of Duck in a nice beach front house. We all had a great time! The weather was fantastic and the water nice and warm! It was fun to see Nicholas enjoy himself so much! We went to the beach everyday, followed by the hot tub at body temperature for me and Nicholas; on top of that we also had a pool! Nicholas got such a kick out of all of us in the hot tub together. When you asked him at dinner if he had fun that day he would say, "Fall down on beach" (he loves being knocked over by waves!) and "hot tub!" So spoiled, what 20 month old has hot tub in their vocabulary!?! He did fantastic on the ride to and from and he was especially lucky on the way home to have his Aunt Patty ride in the back with him! Here are some pictures from our vacation.
I'm surfing!
Playing in the sand
I kept Mommy very busy!
Helping Pop-pop fish
Mom-Mom and Aunt Patty
Fun in the pool
Hot tub!
Hoping on a tractor at the Duck Fire House
with Mommy
Yummy, Mom-Mom's spaghetti aioli.
Nicholas at one of our stops on the way down to the Outer Banks, at a monster truck stop!
Here is a video of us playing in the pool and attempting to count. He is so cute!