Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

For those of you who know Chris know that it is no exageration when I say Chris is the best father EVER!!! And those of you who know Nicholas know that he is a daddy's boy, I am chopped liver when Chris is around! How did I get so lucky to find a man like him with such a big heart?? Nicholas and Christian are so blessed to have a father who loves them so unconditonally and who is clearly devoted to all aspects of their lives. Do you know what Chris did today on Father's Day? He took Nicholas fishing (in the rain), something he had been waiting to do since the day Nicholas was born. They both had such a good time! I can't imagine being a parent without Chris, he is my partner and I love him!

To Pop-Pop, Pop, Grandpop and all of the other positive male figures in our life--thank you! I know it will make such a big difference in Nicholas' and Chrisitan's life, just as it did in ours!

Daddy loves to read with the boys!

Daddy will spend hours rocking, singing and cuddling!

Daddy and Nicholas at swim class on Saturday mornings.

Look at the love and trust in Nicholas' eyes.

Of course, Nicholas want to be just like Daddy. Nicholas learning about the salmon run in the Puget Sound. He is going to be a fisherman just like Daddy one day.

Nicholas loves wearing Daddy's hat, he will spend countless hours talking about Daddy's truck and will now pick out a Toyota Tacoma on the street and tell me it's like Daddy's truck. He tells me "Daddy is the strongest and the best." (He gets that from Thomas the Train; Gordon is the strongest and the best.) He tell me his favorite color is red just like Daddy (even though it is not, everything has to be "just like Daddy"). He loves wearing Chris' work badge and saying, "I'm a working man!" I can go on forever!

Daddy's boy in training!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Three Months Later...

Just a quick update with a few new pictures...Christian is now 3 months old, wow! I also wanted to let everyone know Christian had his first real chuckle, a deep down belly laughing giggle. It was so cute! Of course, we tried to get it on video after but he wouldn't give it to us again. Chris actually got it out of him by bouncing him up and down. I must say, I'm a bit jealous that it wasn't me who got him to laugh :) Happy times here!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Weeks 5 - 11

I know that I'm slacking on the blog lately... or in my own defense, maybe just SUPER busy! But now that I am feeling more rested and getting more sleep I intend on updating more often. Especially because we are now so far away from everyone again, I don't want anyone to miss out on Nicholas and the newest little cutie pie of the family!! Christian is now 11 weeks old, WOW! It's really going by so quickly, he went from being a new born to an interactive infant in no time! It's hard to believe when we look at Nicholas, that in just a little over two years Christian will be that big too; a real BOY! We don't want to rush that though and we are all really cherishing every moment and each new day!
Christian is now sleeping in his own room, YAY for mom and dad; we have our room back all to ourselves! I am the first to admit that I do not sleep good if Nicholas or Christian are in the same room. We ended up giving into technology this time around and I got a video monitor, how did I manage without it for Nicholas?!!! Chris thinks I can be obsessive looking at the monitor, but I LOVE it! I think eventually when Christian starts sleeping through the night and Nicholas gets into a big boy bed, I'll switch it to Nicholas' room so that I can keep an eye on him! The best part is that I can control the angle and zoom in, super cool! Here is a picture of our angel boy sleeping through the monitor...LOVE, love, love it!

Here are a few pictures week to week, so you can get an idea of how he changes each week! At Christian's 2 month appointment (now a few weeks passed) he weighed 11 pounds and a half ounce (50th percentile) and he was 24 1/2 inches (90th percentile.) I'm not the best at always whipping out the camera and getting shots, I often forget, but I'm trying to remember to catch as much as possible!

Week 5
My baby acne week.

Week 6
My cute rolly legs!

Week 7
I'm a lean and mean, talking, drooling machine!

Week 8

Week 9

love those crying shots, they look so cute!

brother love

As you can see, Nicholas loves testing the limits!

Week 10

Week 11