To Pop-Pop, Pop, Grandpop and all of the other positive male figures in our life--thank you! I know it will make such a big difference in Nicholas' and Chrisitan's life, just as it did in ours!
Daddy loves to read with the boys!
Daddy will spend hours rocking, singing and cuddling!
Daddy and Nicholas at swim class on Saturday mornings.
Look at the love and trust in Nicholas' eyes.
Of course, Nicholas want to be just like Daddy. Nicholas learning about the salmon run in the Puget Sound. He is going to be a fisherman just like Daddy one day.
Nicholas loves wearing Daddy's hat, he will spend countless hours talking about Daddy's truck and will now pick out a Toyota Tacoma on the street and tell me it's like Daddy's truck. He tells me "Daddy is the strongest and the best." (He gets that from Thomas the Train; Gordon is the strongest and the best.) He tell me his favorite color is red just like Daddy (even though it is not, everything has to be "just like Daddy"). He loves wearing Chris' work badge and saying, "I'm a working man!" I can go on forever!

Daddy's boy in training!